I am so very pleased to announce my very first blogging award, "The Power of Schmooze", bestowed upon me by Lisa of LifePrints, a very inspiring and positive blog. If you'd like to be uplifted by some well-written posts and interact with a friendly blogger, visit Lisa's site! The "Schmooze" badge is a community involvement award given to bloggers who make an effort to get to know others in the blogosphere. I do enjoy meeting fellow bloggers!
I now may select five other bloggers who schmooze well. I'm still quite new, but I have met some very nice folks who have already made me feel welcome with encouragement or good advice. I hope they won't mind my links here:
Nakalas of Odlum Online, a fantastic web design blog. Nakalas was the first to join my neighborhood over at Blogcatalog and leave a great comment. He has already won the Schmooze award this week from another blogger, but I think he deserves double the schmooze since he contributes thoughtful insights to many.
BNSullivan of Aircrew Buzz, a very informative blog of industry news created for crew members but quite relevant to travelers of all trades. B. N. was the second to join my 'hood and often comments on my discussions over at BC.
Stoneman of History Survey Links, an extensive resource for European history links. Stoneman is very active on the discussion boards and I really admire how he speaks his mind in a respectful manner. He's great at stimulating critical thinking on the boards.
Cat of UltraJam, a combo news commentary/personal journal blog with a very unique, and quite funny, voice. Cat is a crime analyst and often posts about crooks. She has been very supportive of my blog and I know we'd be fast friends outside the 'virtual' world!
Boba of Blackholes & Astrostuff, a fascinating astronomy blog with wonderful photos and posts written in plain English. Boba obviously knows a lot about astronomy and I like how he shares his passion with the rest of us. He also participates frequently in BC discussions and left an encouraging comment on my blog.
Thanks to all for interacting with me. You're all gifted and amicable bloggers!

4 Whispers:
Thanks for the mention, love your blog!
Thanks so much for the citing me and linking to my blog. I'm flattered. You keep up the great work you're doing with on your blog, and I'll bet you'll end up with many more awards yourself (as well as a flock of copycats, I fear, whether you like that or not).
Best regards, Bobbie
Thank you very much! I won't put it on History Survey Links, which is also for my students, but I do appreciate your kind words here. Happy blogging!
Awwww, thanks so much for the notice. I just like to let others know when they are doing a good job. I sure appreciate the notice :)
I don't really do Memes but since you have been so kind I am going to add you to my permanent friends section.
Thanks again for the mention!
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